Pillowpacker Canadian Inflatable Travel Pillows


Beth and Garry Picture

Our Mission

Our Mission is to make the best travel pillow possible. And to make the most comfortable travel pillow possible. And to make the most packable, foldable, washable and portable travel pillow possible. We believe we’ve succeeded, and based on the many positive reviews from our customers they seem to agree.

Who We Are

We’re Beth Shepherd and Garry Logue, and we invented the Pillowpacker travel pillow. We called it the Pillowpacker because we did just that—packed our own pillows from home wherever we went. Extra baggage charges and security issues started to wear us down. And it takes a lot of extra room to pack your own bedroom pillows.

In 2008, we went on an expedition to the Canadian Arctic. To bring fresh food on the ship, the organizers limited luggage and we had to leave our pillows behind. It was a rugged expedition, and sleeping on a small, flat, hard pillow—just one per bunk!—made it harder.

We needed a solution. We needed a packable travel pillow. We needed a portable travel pillow. We needed a comfortable inflatable travel pillow. We wanted a down travel pillow, just like we slept on at home. And if we could have that all in one pillow, we’d have the best travel pillow in the world.

If You Want Something Done Right

When we got back to Ottawa, we searched for that pillow in stores. We searched for that pillow online. We couldn’t find it. So, we searched our imagination for how we could design it and following the advice of Henry Royce, of Rolls-Royce fame, who said if you can’t find what you’re looking for, make it!  So we did just that!

We sourced goose down and duck down for our down travel pillows. We sourced German-designed hypoallergenic, down-alternative microfiber for our microfiber travel pillows. We figured out how to squeeze an at-home sleeping experience into less than a pound that could be tucked away into its stuff sack and kept in our luggage. After a year of design, refinement, and testing, we launched the Pillowpacker Travel Pillow in 2010.


Our Ethics

People are rightly concerned about the treatment of animals. Our down travel pillows are made from with Canadian white goose and white duck down. We couldn’t say we’re dedicated to comfort if we weren't assured that our real suppliers—the ducks and geese that provide the down—weren't humanely treated. Our exclusive supplier is a member of the Canadian Down and Feather Association, which insists that their down suppliers adhere to the Canadian Down Standard for ethical treatment of their flocks. 

You Matter to Us

You’re all about comfort when you travel, and so are we. We want to keep in contact with you. We want to hear about your travel adventures and challenges. We want to know you’re happy, satisfied customers. AND we especially want to hear from you if you have any problems -- call or email.

Made in Canada

Our travel pillows are our flagship products. We manufacture them in Ottawa, Canada’s capital, and we source nearly all of our components in Canada.

Brôme Lake in Québec provides our white duck down for our Brôme Lake series of 600 loft* pillows.

Our Chinook series of 700 loft* white duck down and our St. Moritz series of 800 loft* white goose down come from our Hutterite communities in western Canada.

Finally, when you buy any travel pillow from us, we take your order, pack it, and ship it straight from our office in Ottawa. 

For those who prefer synthetic, we offer an environmentally-friendly, hypoallergenic microfiber down-alternative. 

* What is "Loft"? Loft is the measure of the "fluffiness" of Down and only Down has loft, feathers and microfiber have no loft. It refers to the number of cubic inches that one ounce of down will fill. The loft of good quality down range above 500.


Our Customers are the Bottom Line

We keep our business under our control. We handle every design, refinement, and sale. We own it, we operate it, and we’re accountable for it.  That makes us accountable to you, and it means we only answer to you. Our customers aren’t just part of our bottom line—you are our bottom line.